Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Dead!Wednesday,May 14 2008, 04:39:51 PM
A few days back I was watching a programme on discovery. Saw speices which will inherit our planet hundred years from now. The earth I saw i could nt recognize.The shock was unbearable. Amazon had turned into Grassland. There were only carnivore Bats in the Sky ,no birds.Patridges had mutated into beaver like creatures. There were hunter birds which size of ostrich. The only decendant of homo sapien was a chimp which could still stand on two feet. As I switched of the TV I felt some weird solace in my mind.Thank God I will die before I see this. I guess the idea of barren and desolate earth we talk about does nt scare us because of Mortality. Mortality reduces and rescues mankind from a lot of pain. I pitty those who will inherit the Planet after us. I hope todays parents have prepared there children well enough for Climate change,floods,earthquake,Co2,So2,co as they have to deal with them all. No luxary of water ,swimming pools. No forests to look for pure oxygen and colourful birds and flowers. They might look back and curse us ,but who cares we are all dead. We are actually dead,already. The Planet which gave us life is suffocating to death by our own hands,and we are watching.We are not alive our conscience is dead. We have to develop. Figures ,numbers ,profit. Anything else is a emotional ploy. I feel surprise sometimes over human audacity.The sheer arrogance under the cloud of complete dependancy of nature. Can we swith to breathe something else like Ccarbon monooxide.As Our vehicles exhale only that. human greedthus has no boudaries. But There a few things we can do.Save a life whenever its possible.We can help those who are dying. The Tigers, leopards,trutles all of them.Just pick one of them.Save,Conserve. The turtles I am talking about are Olive Ridleys.They swim across thousands of kilometers to nest at traquil beaches where they were born.The last remaining nesting ground is orissa. But this habitat is also threatened now. The port at Dhamra will adversly there habitat.Please all of you who are reading,join hands to save them. Please Visit and regards jayesh


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